Games to download

What We Liked..

Addictive gameplay

Colossal battles

Excellent graphics

.. and what we didn't

Not much of a story

Rather exorbitant hardware requirements

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: shooter, war

Setting: fantasy, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvP

In the shoes of a member of one of three factions on the planet Auraxis, your mission is simply to conquer as much territory as possible and bring your team one step closer to total domination. The game places a strong emphasis on teamwork, with tactics designed to encourage furious suicide charges in the middle of battle.

The game is essentially devoid of a strong narrative component and prefers to rely entirely on the gameplay, which is fine because the latter is incredibly enjoyable, challenging and well designed.

Graphically, the game is beautiful, staging its battles in the most diverse, well-realised environments. Constant updates bring more content and welcome variations to an already excellent game.

Overall, PlanetSide 2 is the game fans of the first episode have been waiting for, and more.

What We Liked..

Unique MMORPG experience

Social friendly community

Plenty of content

Mobile version available

.. and what we didn't

Restrictive free trial

Dated graphics

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, present

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvE

Star Stable Online is a free to play MMORPG that's all about horses and female heroines.
Players create their characters and horses, and are taken to Jorvic, a fantasy island in which you'll quest, raise and train horses, and grow your heroine and stable while making new online friends.

The game has been around since 2011 and contains thousands of quests, but quantity doesn't mean quality as most of the questing mechanics are old-school in nature and mundane.

Gameplay mechanics are rather clunky when it comes to horse control, but key systems like racing are fun to participate in.

The game while free does have a limited trial up until level 5, when a payment becomes necessary to continue playing.

Overall, it's a unique MMORPG for younger audiences and horse lovers alike.

➔ Main points:

  • A truly unique "freemium" MMORPG experience built around horses
  • Only female protagonists
  • Thousands of quests on the isle of Jorvik
  • Mobile version available
  • Limited free to play trial

What We Liked..

Fast playstyle Quests are short and are rich in variety Action-oriented fighting system

.. and what we didn't

The interface is cluttered at times You can buy a lot of booster which gives the game a "pay2win"-feel The in-game-shop is rather expensive

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, sci-fi, sea, anime

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

Revelation Online has been one of the most anticipated MMORPGs of 2017 in the Western World. Despite being available for a year or so in the Asian market, it made its debut in Europe & North America only in March 2017, in the form of Open-Beta.

The game makes itself conspicuous especially through its extra fast playstyle. Additionally you get an action-oriented fighting system whereby the player can fight actively instead of just clicking on skills.

The world is huge and has a ton of quests available. Besides the normal PvE modes and the several quests, you can fight against other players in PvP, enter dungeons or buy your own house.
The devs put a great emphasis on flight: the entire open-world can be explored by flying with several kinds of wings and mounts.

Leveling is as fast as the playstyle. After the tutorial you are already level 15 and you can use a variety of skills and other functions in the game.

Furthermore, you get a Mentor and Demon-slayer system in order to make the game even more diversified and always keep you busy.

The in-game-shop mainly consists of cosmetic items, but also offers various sorts of boosters which give the feeling of "pay2win".

The quests offer variety, thanks to coming after one another quickly and never lasting too long.

If you like MMOs like TERA you should definitely check out this game, because it is similar but also brings its own ideas to the table.

➔ Main points:

  • 2017 fantasy MMORPG with fast playstyle and adrenalinic combat system.
  • Rapid succeeding quests that make sure you don't have to look around for them.
  • Wings and mounts to freely explore the world by flying.
  • Leveling is fast and it doesn't take long until you reach higher levels.
  • The in-game-shop mainly consists of items of cosmetic nature, however you can also buy booster.

What We Liked..

Great classic MMORPG experience fans of old-school MMOs

Good class system

Unique gameplay features

.. and what we didn't

Old graphics

Dwindling playerbase

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE PvP

RIFT is a free to play MMORPG that's considered a classic game and a great alternative to games like WoW Classic. It features tab-targeting combat, an in-depth class building system that supports the MMO trinity archetypes, and full PvE campaigns and stories for its two factions, The Guardians and The Defiants. RIFT in today's market has evolved by offering some unique gameplay experiences like its dynamic open-world rift events, excellent housing system, quick leveling adventures and of course, PvP battlegrounds for those that want some competitiveness.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play MMORPG that offers classic gameplay experiences
  • Unique open-world rift events that's dynamic
  • Multiple ways to level your character
  • Excellent class build system that lets you create hybrid classes
  • Great housing system called Dimensions

What We Liked..

Satisfying ARPG Combat

Dungeons and PVP


Player community

.. and what we didn't

Boring quests

Repetitive gameplay

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Royal quest is a free to play isometric ARPG MMO that offers a fresh perspective in the genre with its action combat mechanic. The game features a linear quest progression system, but is dull in variety and can often feel repetitive and grindy. End-game is where Royal Quest truly shines, with fun and exciting dungeons and PVP modes that are large in scale.

The graphics are also a positive, with cartoon art styles and color tones that are lighthearted and fun. The game's community is also thriving, with plenty of in-game events and player markets. Overall, Royal Quest is a good action RPG MMO that deserves a shot, especially since it costs absolutely nothing.

➔ Main points:

  • Satisfying action based combat that stands out for an MMO
  • Fun end-game content such as dungeons and PVP
  • Large maps and a colorful and vibrant world
  • Thriving player community that makes socializing fun

What We Liked..

Graphically beautiful presentation

Imaginative and vibrant locations

Huge variety of items to find and skills to learn

.. and what we didn't

Repetitive gameplay

NPC's seem "wooden" and lack personality

Combat can be frustrating

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Runes of Magic has everything you might expect from an old-style MMORPG.
It is captivating, extremely varied and rather vast; offering a fun and challenging experience to new and veteran RPG players alike.
The game's strengths undeniably rest with its variety, as there are hundreds (if not thousands) of objects to find, collect and / or create.
Whilst the graphics may appear dated by modern standards, Runes of Magic is a perfectly good title for anyone who wants a decent MMORPG without having to spend a fortune.

➔ Main points:

  • Fantasy themed, free to play MMORPG.
  • Huge number of PVE quests to get stuck in with.
  • Staggering variety of items to find, collect and craft.

What We Liked..

Intense FPS action

Small download size

.. and what we didn't

Mediocre graphics

Unbalanced cash shop

Similar to other titles

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: action, shooter

Setting: city

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvP

Piercing Blow is a free-to-play MMOFPS from Korea, where it’s been out for a while. It’s low on character customisation, but high on map variety, offering several modes across over 40 maps for you to explore and kill people on. The majority of the environments and scenarios are completely without novelty for any experienced player - all the old favourites are here.

While the game may not feel the need to add anything new to an already successful formula, it does offer fairly decent shooter gameplay. Maps are well designed, even if the Counterstrike-era graphics are mostly ugly, and with a small, undemanding file size, Piercing Blow runs smoothly.

A wealth of guns and weapon upgrades are available to those willing to pay real money for them, a factor that significantly unbalances the playing field. The only other way to unlock decent gear is by playing and winning daily tournaments. Basically, if you’re not already a skilled shooter or ready to pay for a better gun, you’re not going to make it here.

What We Liked..

Excellent gameplay

Immersive 3rd person perspective

Other game modes are great fun

Gold sharing system encourages team play

.. and what we didn't

Slower unlocking for non-paying players

but this is nothing new

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, action, MOBA

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: matches or duels PvP

Smite is a third person MOBA developed by Hi-Rez Studios where you fight as one of the ancient gods of world mythologies, taking out enemy Gods, towers, minions and bases, all while playing in the refreshing new third person perspective.

It wouldn’t be a MOBA without a classic 3 lane map, but Smite has lots of other play options that are actually good fun – something that is sadly missing among MOBAs. Whether it’s the speedy Arena mode, the battle heavy Assault mode or one of the crazier Match of the Day scenarios, there’s plenty to do in this game.

Add to this an unobtrusive cash shop, decent graphics and well developed gameplay and you have a winner. Smite is highly recommended, a free to play title that is as enjoyable and challenging as you want it to be.

What We Liked..

Original and intriguing theme

Dizzying variety of quests and items

Thriving online community

.. and what we didn't

Very basic tutorial with no in-depth explanation

Vast amounts of information to take in

Gameplay between quests becomes repetitive

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Perfect World is a stunning MMORPG which is heavily influenced by Chinese mythology; casting players into an immersive, spiritual world of magic and intrigue. Some predictable RPG elements are present, including character customization and XP building, but that in no way hinders the enjoy-ability of the game.

With countless PVE quests, items to collect and character skills to learn, this game is more than capable of stealing hours off your life with its huge variety and captivating game play.

Perfect World is an in-depth, mystical experience well worth your time and dedication if fantasy RPGs are your thing!

➔ Main points:

  • Visually stunning and immersive environments to explore.
  • Huge array of items, quests and character skills to acquire.
  • Active online community further enhances game play opportunities.
  • Totally free to play, but cash shop is available for rare items etc.

What We Liked..

Great graphics

low system requirements

easy to pick up


fast-paced gameplay

lots of weapons and character customization options

fair microtransaction system

.. and what we didn't

Sommewhat bland maps

some low res textures

server issues

somewhat low player base

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: shooter

Setting: present, sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvE PvP

Developed by Wiple Games and published by Aeria Games, Ironsight is finally available to the public after a year and a half in beta.

Ironsight is unique in that it's not unique. It draws comparisons to Call of Duty both in aesthetics and gameplay because it does look and sound like a Call of Duty game. And believe it or not, that's a good thing.

The Call of Duty franchise has lost its' way, but once upon a time was a great series. A few years ago, CoD was great fun, and Ironsight shows why. It plays like an early 2010s CoD game.

It has plenty of weapons and drones for you to have fun with, and the action is fast-paced. You can log on a place a few quick games before school or you can play a couple dozen games over the course of a few hours.

The microtransactions in this game are very tame, and it's more than possible to play this game and never spend a dime yet still be competitive. Ironsight is easily one of the most balanced F2P MMOs that I have played in a while and sets a stellar example for F2P MMOs.

➔ Main points:

  • Downloadable F2P MMOFPS with PVE but thrives on its' PVP content
  • More than 100 weapons at your disposal
  • Simple gunplay, fast-paced action
  • The fairest microtransactions in an F2P MMO by far
  • Server instability issues at times;
  • Somewhat low player base
  • Call of Duty fans, this game is tailor-made for you