What We Liked..
Excellent fast-pace action
Fun gunplay and power up systems
Plenty of progression
No pay to win
.. and what we didn't
Champion balance
Uneven match queue times
Quake Champions is a free to play FPS game that continues the Quake franchises' long history of excellent fast-action team matches and gameplay. The game has over a dozen Champions to play as and each comes with unique weapons and abilities that are customizable the more you play. Progression comes fairly for simply playing the game, and players can unlock more content like cosmetics and additional match modes the higher their rank.
Presentation is fantastic and so is the gameplay, as that familiar power up utilization in matches combined with the frenzied swapping of weapons and quick movement offers some addictive gameplay. The cash shop uses currency awarded from simply playing the game and allows you to purchase cosmetics and there is no pay to win.
What We Liked..
Great player-versus-player map
Simple to play
Fun for casual gamers
.. and what we didn't
Combat is too simple
In-game purchases needed for higher levels
Raven March is an MMO strategy game from Kabam Games. Although the game gets off to a slow start, partly due to excessive load screens and a sparse story, it gains in the multiplayer portion thanks to a well developed player-versus-player map, where new combat is always to be had. Scenarios are also available for those who prefer to play solo.
The game has quaint but fairly detailed 2D graphics that serve it well. In terms of story, however, there's not much to say - you have a small selection of avatars and three factions at war to fight as. Exactly why they’re at war in the first place will unfortunately remain a mystery.
In general, Raven March offers fun for casual players, but hardcore gamers will likely have to pay if they want to continue to advance at a reasonable pace.
What We Liked..
Fast playstyle Quests are short and are rich in variety Action-oriented fighting system
.. and what we didn't
The interface is cluttered at times You can buy a lot of booster which gives the game a "pay2win"-feel The in-game-shop is rather expensive
Revelation Online has been one of the most anticipated MMORPGs of 2017 in the Western World. Despite being available for a year or so in the Asian market, it made its debut in Europe & North America only in March 2017, in the form of Open-Beta.
The game makes itself conspicuous especially through its extra fast playstyle. Additionally you get an action-oriented fighting system whereby the player can fight actively instead of just clicking on skills.
The world is huge and has a ton of quests available. Besides the normal PvE modes and the several quests, you can fight against other players in PvP, enter dungeons or buy your own house.
The devs put a great emphasis on flight: the entire open-world can be explored by flying with several kinds of wings and mounts.
Leveling is as fast as the playstyle. After the tutorial you are already level 15 and you can use a variety of skills and other functions in the game.
Furthermore, you get a Mentor and Demon-slayer system in order to make the game even more diversified and always keep you busy.
The in-game-shop mainly consists of cosmetic items, but also offers various sorts of boosters which give the feeling of "pay2win".
The quests offer variety, thanks to coming after one another quickly and never lasting too long.
If you like MMOs like TERA you should definitely check out this game, because it is similar but also brings its own ideas to the table.
What We Liked..
Great classic MMORPG experience fans of old-school MMOs
Good class system
Unique gameplay features
.. and what we didn't
Old graphics
Dwindling playerbase
Watch the trailer:
RIFT is a free to play MMORPG that's considered a classic game and a great alternative to games like WoW Classic. It features tab-targeting combat, an in-depth class building system that supports the MMO trinity archetypes, and full PvE campaigns and stories for its two factions, The Guardians and The Defiants. RIFT in today's market has evolved by offering some unique gameplay experiences like its dynamic open-world rift events, excellent housing system, quick leveling adventures and of course, PvP battlegrounds for those that want some competitiveness.
What We Liked..
Stunning graphics and 3D world
Fun companion system
Plenty of servers
.. and what we didn't
Textures sometimes don't load
Heavy cash store influence
Rise of Angels is a browser-based MMORPG that's free to play, features isometric action based combat and a companion collection system that requires players to obtain, upgrade and look after Goddesses who alters your combat skills and stats for the better. The game offers both PvE solo and group content as well as PvP arenas and guild wars for competitive gameplay. The game world is incredibly stunning due to the ability to zoom, rotate and inspect closely the finer details of textures and aesthetics that's almost unheard of for a browser MMORPG. While the content is very predictable and might come across as a carbon copy of most other games, it's aesthetics wins out and makes you pick this title of the next. There is a heavy reliance on the cash shop but it's largely forgettable if you're taking your time playing through the game's lengthy main story.
What We Liked..
Satisfying ARPG Combat
Dungeons and PVP
Player community
.. and what we didn't
Boring quests
Repetitive gameplay
Watch the trailer:
Royal quest is a free to play isometric ARPG MMO that offers a fresh perspective in the genre with its action combat mechanic. The game features a linear quest progression system, but is dull in variety and can often feel repetitive and grindy. End-game is where Royal Quest truly shines, with fun and exciting dungeons and PVP modes that are large in scale.
The graphics are also a positive, with cartoon art styles and color tones that are lighthearted and fun. The game's community is also thriving, with plenty of in-game events and player markets. Overall, Royal Quest is a good action RPG MMO that deserves a shot, especially since it costs absolutely nothing.
What We Liked..
Graphically beautiful presentation
Imaginative and vibrant locations
Huge variety of items to find and skills to learn
.. and what we didn't
Repetitive gameplay
NPC's seem "wooden" and lack personality
Combat can be frustrating
Runes of Magic has everything you might expect from an old-style MMORPG.
It is captivating, extremely varied and rather vast; offering a fun and challenging experience to new and veteran RPG players alike.
The game's strengths undeniably rest with its variety, as there are hundreds (if not thousands) of objects to find, collect and / or create.
Whilst the graphics may appear dated by modern standards, Runes of Magic is a perfectly good title for anyone who wants a decent MMORPG without having to spend a fortune.
What We Liked..
Great anime style aesthetics
Multiple game servers
Decent amount of match modes
.. and what we didn't
Dated animations
Cash shop sells advantage
Low active player base
Confusing and clunky UI
S4League is a unique looking third person anime style shooter that gives manga fans a platform to express their love for both Neo-Tokyo art syle and shooter games. S4League offers a variety of PvP game modes in addition to PvE Story and challenge modes, but the true superstar are the unorthodox match modes like Chaser and Touchdown, which offers some refreshing objectives that are uncommon in shooters.
From a graphics standpoint, the game is unfortunately dated in several areas, especially with animations and the clunky menu UI. Player populations aren't very high either, and that could be down to the game's age. On a more positive note, for loyal and long term players, there are many things to collect and achieve as progression goes way beyond gear and equipment with the addition of collectible cards, costumes and character avatars. Overall, S4League is a fun and stylish game in small doses if one can overlook its age.
What We Liked..
Graphics are very good
Plenty of events from real life artists and influencers
Great building tools for creativity
.. and what we didn't
Low player numbers
Doesn't support VR anymore
Sansar is a free to play virtual universe MMO that allows players to create their own avatars and explore creativity and social activities together. Featuring fully 3D worlds, characters and environments, Sansar is graphically excellent and gameplay involves no combat, instead opting for social interactions. You can manipulate objects to recreate scenes at parties, or get creative and enter its excellent build mode to create your own disco for you and your friends to chill at. The game offers near limitless sandbox social experiences, but suffers from low player count currently.
What We Liked..
Well-made backdrops
The anime fans might appreciate it
No one’s making us play it
.. and what we didn't
Practically nonexistent gameplay
Déjà vu exploding from every pore
Dozens and dozens of clones
Taken from a phenomenon popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, SAO's Legend is a free-to-play MMORPG browser game, with no need to download the game client.
The game allows us to choose from one of four classes, composed of classical archetypes which we have become accustomed to, then we dive immediately into the game world without too many narrative frills narrative to slow us down.
What is immediately apparent it is that the development team has opted to offer users a smoother and faster experience, which wastes no time and mainly focuses on expedited progression through the game maps rather than on exploring and deepening the plot.
It’s an experience only suited to more casual players looking for something uncomplicated and can fit in perfectly with the often restricted hours often available to this user group.