What We Liked..

Good Crafting

Fun Guardian System

.. and what we didn't

Poor Graphics

Confusing HUD

No tutorials

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: all vs all guild or factions PvE

Last Chaos is a bit of an oddity. Despite its age and dwindling popularity it seems to preserve in an MMO ecosystem rife with other choices. It’s a relic of a bygone era, and maybe this is what makes it compelling to some players.

Originally published way back in 2006 by Aeria Games, their first game ever in fact, Last Chaos has recently changed hands and is now being handled by Gamigo. Last Chaos is a game victimized by its own age. Its graphics, animation, and systems all attest to the game’s age. None are particularly impressive by today’s standards.

However fans looking for a nostalgic MMO experience may find Last Chaos enjoyable. It has a classic feel that modern games can fail to capture. Last Chaos boasts a plethora of classes to choose from, these are gender locked however. Unfortunately with all of it’s classes and somewhat charming nostalgia, Last Chaos still falls flat gameplay-wise. It’s repetitive, and for the most part uninteresting.

➔ Main points:

  • Guardian System
  • Level Cap is 184
  • Classic Gameplay
  • Robust Crafting

What We Liked..

Easy to pick up

Fun daily events

Runs well

.. and what we didn't

Paying players have a huge advantage

Uninteresting gameplay

Zero originality

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, managerial, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

League of Angels is an acceptable turn-based MMORPG on rails for the casual player. Everything is clearly explained and marked and there is virtually no learning curve. There are plenty of things to do, including the usual daily events, dungeons to explore, world bosses, various PvP modes and mini-games along the lines of Bejeweled and Farmville – but not much original thought has gone on here.

The graphics and music are of reasonable quality, but while the game runs well the gameplay itself leaves much to be desired. The automated play style means that the main game pretty much plays itself, and the combat mechanics determine battle outcomes from gear and character skill sets rather than any strategy on your part.

Furthermore, the game places paying players at a distinct advantage over the free to play crowd, who will soon hit daily limits and won’t get access to the best weapons, armor and mounts. Serious gamers up for a challenge may want to look elsewhere.

What We Liked..

Modern graphics

More diverse gameplay offerings

Improved UI

Voice acting

.. and what we didn't

Only 3 classes

Watered-down progression

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

League of Angels - Heaven's Fury is the latest iteration in the League of Angels MMORPG franchise, a series of browser-based free to play titles. The game offers improvements in plenty of areas like gameplay, graphics and progression systems over its predecessor. Where the game shines is in its content offering, where there are new ways to enjoy PvE like server time-based events that adds more options instead of just grinding monsters and dungeons. Under the hood, the UI and graphics makes the game more enjoyable, and overall Heaven's Fury is one of the best browser-based MMOs released in 2020, and marks a successful return of the franchise for both new and returning players.

➔ Main points:

  • Solid free to play MMORPG on browser or desktop
  • Improved graphics and UI from previous installments
  • Better PvE and PvP offerings
  • Impressive and refined combat system inspired by classic ARPGS

What We Liked..

Good Graphics

New Progression Systems

Lots of Content

.. and what we didn't

Poor Voice Over


AFK mode makes most things very easy

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, anime

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

League of Angels 2 is a beautiful new follow-up to the highly popular League of Angels. It’s a highly traditional MMO with a glossy new paint job and a few new mechanics. Playing through the game's story kept me entertained, and combat is a spectacle to behold.

Though not particularly engaging, the combat animations and visual effects are of high quality. Progressing through the story is similar to many other Browser MMO’s. In fact that seems to be the game’s biggest fault. It’s so reminiscent of other games, especially its predecessor, the original League of Angels. This however doesn’t ruin the fun, the experience is still engaging because the mechanics of the game are solid and the game is well made.

➔ Main points:

  • Improved Angels
  • Return of AFK gameplay
  • Beautiful Graphics
  • Sub-par Voice Acting

What We Liked..

Good PvE story

Modern graphics and animation

Intuitive turn-based party combat

.. and what we didn't

Very linear gameplay

Tutorial feels very rushed

Difficulty is very easy for MMO veterans

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

League of Angels III is the third installment in the popular League of Angels fantasy MMORPGs based primarily on web browsers and is free to play. The world is about to be destroyed by an ancient threat, and players are sent back in time to collect legendary weapons and recruit powerful companions to prevent this catastrophy.

The game features full 3D graphics that looks excellent on any browser. Questing remains largely unchained from the second game, whereby players follow a theme-park style quest chain that is tied to the main story. Along the way, players will unlock more gameplay mechanics such as manual combat, mounts, dungeons and more.

Combat and progression has been given a face-lift and feels significantly better than before. You will need to collect heroes that joins your party in formation during turn-based combat sequences that feels strategic and fun. At end-game, there are high level world boss fights and other content to do, which makes the journey there worthwhile. While the in-game cash shop may be attractive, plenty of things on sale serve to speed up progression and are not necessary for purchase to play the game effectively.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play fantasy MMORPG and is the third installment of the franchise
  • Excellent graphics and presentation that surpasses other browser games
  • Intuitive party combat system that utilizes companion collection system
  • Very linear PvE gameplay that offers mediocre challenge

What We Liked..

Well-diversified races

PvP component

interesting lore

.. and what we didn't

Technically now obsolete

Some mechanics need updating

Few customization options

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: PvE PvP

Lineage 2 is the continuation of the timeless Lineage released in 1998. Despite the "2" in the title, this second episode of the saga represents to all intents and purposes a prequel to the original game, being set 150 years earlier than the events narrated in the progenitor.

For better or for worse, Lineage 2 is a title strongly anchored to the time of its release, dated 2003, and playing it today means coming to terms with gameplay mechanisms belonging to another time, and which could displace new players more accustomed to modern variations of MMORPGs.

If you manage to go beyond the anachronisms implicit in the game mechanics and an outdated technical sector, however, Lineage 2 will show itself to you in all its magnificence, making you discover a fascinating world with a lore articulated, a rewarding progression system and PvP mechanics capable of sucking up large portions of your free time.w

➔ Main points:

  • 7 races to choose from, all enormously diverse
  • Extremely deep yet accessible gameplay
  • Great focus on the PvP component
  • Fascinating and immersive Lore

What We Liked..

Beautiful graphics and effects

Countless features and options

.. and what we didn't

Automatic gameplay

Lack of an original story

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Magerealm: Rise of Chaos, developed by GTArcade and Youzu Games, is a 2.5D fantasy and action MMORPG based on the classical "Good VS Evil" story, just like many other titles of the same genre.

Magerealm allows to choose between three classes (Truthkeeper, Spellmaster, and Realmguard) besides basic character customization, and the progressive improvement of gear by embedding crystals that can potentiate your character's abilities.

Additionally, your characters will also have the possibility to summon their own Angels and Heroes, who have skills of their own that can be improved as well. Other classical MMORPG elements featured in Magerealm are clan, siege, and craft systems.

➔ Main points:

  • You can embed crystals to your equipment to potentiate it.
  • Three classes to choose from: Realmguard, Truthkeeper, and Spellmaster.
  • You can have a guardian Angel and a personal Hero.
  • Clan system.
  • PvP coliseum.
  • Siege system and dungeons to explore in party.

What We Liked..

Easy to jump into

Free to play without pay to win

Plenty of content

Promotes player creativity

.. and what we didn't

Bland main story quests

Must pay to use world chat

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: casual, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, anime

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

MapleStory 2 is a free to play hack and slash MMORPG featuring cute anime cartoon graphics and art style. The game offers an incredible amount of PvE and PvP content from questing to intuitive Mini Games and even a Battle Royale mode without a content paywall. While there is an in-game cash shop, it sells mostly cosmetics and convenience, although one great thing about it is you can sell your own custom designs on there as well using the User Generated Workshop.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play anime MMORPG
  • Amazing amount of content that are actually fun and rewarding
  • Players can create and sell their own designs with UGC Workshop
  • Fluid ARPG hack and slash combat with three control options

What We Liked..

The Marvel Universe

Free to play and balanced cash shop

Constantly updated

.. and what we didn't

Characters and costumes are expensive

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, action, mmorpg

Setting: city, fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: matches or duels PvE PvP

Marvel Heroes has a strong foundation with Brian Michael Bendis (author of Marvel comics) and David Brevik (designer of Diablo) on the development team. Although the game didn’t get off to a great start in open beta , Gazillion has since listened to players and done a much needed overhaul. And the effort was worth it - this is a very entertaining game and if Gazillion continues to be as responsive as they’ve been so far, it’s only going to get better.

The gameplay is fun and the story will appeal to many people, drawing as it does from the rich and complex Marvel universe. Add to this a well-balanced cash shop and this title is a must for Action RPG fans and Marvel fans!

What We Liked..

Plenty of multiplayer options

Well developed autoplay functions

Interesting combat

Epic story

.. and what we didn't

Some items must be bought

Slow loading

Autoplayer may not be for everyone

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Monkey King Online is a browser MMORPG developed by R2Games and inspired by the Chinese epic Journey to the West. In the game you play as one of four characters – the Fox, the Bull, Iron Fan or the Monkey King himself – on a sprawling fantasy mission, defeating monsters, leveling up and customizing your character with items you can find, craft or buy. On top of this, you can also choose to team up with other players, join guilds or just battle it out in player-versus-player combat.

The most unique and, for some almost bizarre, aspect of this game is probably the Auto-Path feature, which should really be called Auto-Play. Choose this and the game literally plays itself for you, helping you complete the main story mission, collect items and gold or even just do battle with anyone in range. While it works well, this system may not be for everyone, though it will certainly delight players who have long dreamed of having someone else mine gold and exp for them.

The game has fairly impressive graphics for a browser, but sometimes experience slow performance with backgrounds taking a while to load. However, interesting multiplayer options and fairly complex combat make this title worth playing for fans of the genre.