War games

What We Liked..

Plenty of popular heroes to collect

Very accessible

Decent graphics

.. and what we didn't

Cash shop reliant to bypass grinds

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, war, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

Dark Genesis is a free to play browser-based idle MMORPG which lets you collect popular demigods as heroes: if you've always wanted to see Loki, Shiva and Anubis battle side by side against hordes of enemies, then Dark Genesis is the game for you.

Its party battle system will let you unlock and collect a large variety of popular entities that span across different fantasy icons, cultural heroes and more: you'll form a party of these heroes and challenge opponents in PvE and PvP battles through a series of map stages.

Outside of battle mode, the sky castle map is your home base which unlocks new features as you level up, letting you get access to new buildings and infrastructures that will make you progress faster-

As an added bonus, there's a charm to the game with its decent graphics and easy accessibility

➔ Main points:

  • Idle party-based MMORPG that's free to play
  • Low system requirements and very accessible on browser
  • Familiar popular heroes that do the battling for you
  • Decent graphics that looks good on your phone too

What We Liked..

Great graphics

Interesting Company System

Addictive gameplay

.. and what we didn't

Repetitive missions

The cash shop unbalances the game

Audio hiccups

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: war, action, shooter, mmorpg

Setting: sci-fi

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: all vs all guild or factions

Dark Orbit is a free to play browser based MMO with a heavy focus on ship battles, resource collection, and clan interaction.

Developed by Bigpoint, Dark Orbit (now dubbed Dark Orbit Reloaded), aims to replicate the likes of Eve Online, within the confines of and top down isometric browser game.

Bigpoint creates a wholly enjoyable experience with very few hang ups.
Select between one of three different companies to earn glory and fortune for both the player and the employer by completing quests, collecting resources and killing space baddies.

This gameplay loop, along with some solid sound design and interesting ships to create and customize makes for a very enjoyable browser game. However the repetitive quests, over reliance on grinding, and difficulty may grate on some players’ nerves.

Graphically speaking the game is top notch: we’ve rarely seen browser games as visually impressive.
The sound design is good, however some audio sounds compressed and low quality.
If you’re a fan of browser games or have a rig that doesn’t allow for more intensive titles, Dark Orbit may be an excellent choice for you.

➔ Main points:

  • Quality action-based browser-game, that differentiates itself from the mass of strategic titles.
  • Fun gameplay loop and top-notch graphics after the latest 2016 major update.
  • Interesting choice between companies.
  • Few downsides, with repetitive quests being the most problematic.

What We Liked..

Highly realistic thanks to modern day setting and accurate depiction of military units

Active player base with Alliances recruiting across all game worlds

Dynamic weather system that can change battle outcomes

Achievement system that's uncommon for this type of game

.. and what we didn't

Slower than usual progression to encourage the purchase of premium Diamonds to speed things up

High learning curve for players that aren't familiar with military language

Graphics and artwork aren't the best to look at

No horizontal progression such as Champions to break the waiting game monotony

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: strategy, war

Setting: city, sci-fi

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: all vs all guild or factions

Desert Operations is a highly realistic military themed strategy game that is free to play and has a modern day setting. The gameplay revolves around familiar strategy mechanics such as building, researching, resource management and real time-based PvP warfare. The game worlds are populated and advancing your nation is a fun challenge as players navigate through mechanics like a dynamic weather system that could change the outcome of battles. In addition to that, joining social Alliances will be crucial for the late game, but there are there things to do like hunting Achievements which is rare for games of this genre.

Other aspects of Desert Operations aren't the best such as graphics and aesthetics, but that won't matter too much if you're used to browser-based strategy games. While Desert Operations is easy to jump into, it does have a high learning curve for non-military enthusiasts and there is a very slow rate of progression which encourages you to spend real money on Diamonds to progress things like building or recruiting faster.

➔ Main points:

  • Modern day setting with familiar strategy mechanics
  • Realistic depiction of military units, buildings and tech to reflect today's era
  • Active player-base thanks to more than 6 worlds to play on
  • Short and succinct tutorial to get new players up to speed and playing in less than 5 minutes

What We Liked..

Good graphics

realistic character movement

excellent map and locations

detailed tactical battles.

.. and what we didn't

Cocky dialogue with misplaced emoticons

dialogue skips very quickly at times.

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: war, action, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, anime

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions PvE

One of the latest team-building MMO games, Dragonbone Dynasty, has come in with a lot of hype.
Class selection has taken an extra step allowing users to choose the gender as well as the non-playable allies.
Serious thought has been given by the developers into battle tactics allowing you to place your allies in a good position to be of best use.

One of the core elements of Dragonbone Dynasty is combat, and that doesn't disappoint either.
The action is semi-automated with you having the option of removing a move from your character's skill-set altogether to present a more precise, yet lethal combination.
The map size, graphics and character movement and physics are particularly impressive and make playing this game worthwhile.

➔ Main points:

  • Team building MMO with strong emphasis on allies.
  • A mix of MMORPG and MMORTS elements.
  • Good graphics, natural character movement and impressive setting.
  • Battle formation and tactics are well-designed.
  • Character dialogue is easy to understand, but seems funny because of uncalled-for emoticons.

What We Liked..

Excellent graphics

fighting and gameplay seems quite original.

.. and what we didn't

Absence of PvP makes the game uni-dimensional

Buildings look similar to each other.

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Watch the trailer:

Genre: strategy, war, managerial

Setting: city, fantasy, historical

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: no fighting PvE

A browser-based strategy, city-building game, Elvenar allows you to play as either humans, or elves, while taking control of your civilization's economy and army.
The game starts off with a Town Hall, but as with other city building games, the settlement can be expanded, constructing roads and buildings in the process.

Elvenar doesn't require a player to over-commit to the game, and you can 'come and go' as often as you like through the day and manage your city step by step. To make things easy, there is no PvP mode in the game, so players don't get attacked every now and then, and don't have to log on and play to defend the city.

The absence of a PvP mode in Elvenar is made up for by a truly engaging PvE experience where you can fight battles which aren't fully automated like in many other similar, yet boring games.
The combat is turn based where you have to use a lethal strategy to beat your opponent using an army of fighters with varying skills and abilities.

➔ Main points:

  • Pacific strategy browser-game.
  • Co-existence of humans and mythical creatures.
  • Economy is key to building an army.
  • Different types of buildings and unique soldiers introduced.
  • No PvP mode, but innovative PvE with turn-based combat system.

What We Liked..

Strategy and ARPG layers that work

Tons of systems and progression

Big community

.. and what we didn't

Expensive cash shop

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: war, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: PvE PvP

Eternal Fury is a free to play browser-based strategy game with a twist. While raising your kingdoms, armies and alliances are all key gameplay features, you'll also need to upgrade your singular hero ruler, with RPG-like gameplay system in place that offers a good time.
Battles are fought on both maps - the kingdom world view and in arena-style battles that shakes up the usual boring and monotonous gameplay. While free to play, Eternal Fury's cash shop is a mixed bag and borderline hovers over what's fair.

➔ Main points:

  • Unique Strategy and Action-RPG gameplay blend
  • More to do than the average strategy kingdom builder
  • Active playerbase
  • Nice visuals and soundtrack

What We Liked..

Very innovative

Unique and rewarding quest progression

Game of Thrones!

.. and what we didn't

The technical qualities

Still a pretty standard pay-to-play type of game

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, war, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: plain text and images

PvP: all vs all guild or factions PvE PvP

Game of Thrones: Ascent is a new browser game developed and published by Disruptor Beam. The game chronicles your “ascent” to the throne of one of the eight royal houses of Westeros.

Ascent is a very story driven game, much like the original series. Unfortunately, where the game differs the most from the TV show is in the action. This isn't to say that fans of the show will not enjoy the game; fanboys and girls who feel the need to engage themselves in more GoT lore may find Ascent to be the perfect way to get their fix in between episodes.

Standard RPG fans may also take interest in the unconventional take on the combat system (if you could even call it that). The game also has the typical western RPG conversation based cutscenes, allowing you to align your character towards good, evil or somewhere in between.

Game of Thrones: Ascent has many attractions to many different types of gamers. Quintessential RPG gamers will appreciate a new take on the traditional combat system and more story driven gamers will love this game. Ascent even offers something for RTS gamers! There's plenty of resource gathering and “base-building” to be found in the game. And of course, GoT fans will find themselves right at home with the storyline.

Ascent is a game that reaches for the stars and all in all, it's a great use of the Game of Thrones license.

What We Liked..

Intuitive UI functionality

Healthy playerbase

.. and what we didn't

Difficult for free players

Localization issues

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, war, simulation

Setting: present

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: all vs all guild or factions PvP

Generals: Art of War is a free to play browser-based strategy game. Set in a modern-day period in which authentic military elementsdoesn't look modern but if that's not your concern, then gameplay will feel very familiar to veterans. New players can ease their way in thanks to a good tutorial, and the community is large enough to support engaging alliances that is a core feature for team-play in larger warfare. The game does have a cash shop and while beneficial, players can opt to play for free and still make progress.

➔ Main points:

  • Free to play modern warfare browser sim
  • Intuitive UI design makes it easy to play
  • Active playerbase to help with group play
  • Heavy reliance on the in-game cash shop

What We Liked..

Fantastic class skill system

Free to play with no content paywall

Decent graphics and optimization

.. and what we didn't

Few server locations

Relies of unfavorable gear progression system

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: war, mmorpg

Setting: fantasy

Graphics: full 3D

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Guardians of Ember is a fantasy isometric action MMORPG that features six MMO classes and four races to play as. For a free to play game, the PvE and PvP content on offer is decent. The game's best feature is its class combat mechanics, that lets players change skills depending on what weapon is equipped in addition to an in-depth skill tree system that encourages multiple builds. This keeps gameplay refreshing until the late game. While animations are good, other artistic assets are mediocre at best. What holds it back is its decision to rely on conventional progression systems like gear enchanting instead of shaking things up. Ultimately, Guardians of Ember is still a fun game to play especially when in groups for dungeons.

➔ Main points:

  • Fantastic class combat skill system that doesn't feel repetitive
  • Variety of content in PvE and PvP that's decent
  • Cash shop for convenience instead of selling gear
  • Runs smoothly with good presentation in some areas
  • Fully free to play including future updates

What We Liked..

Addictive gameplay

Active community

Long PvE campaign

Fun PvP

.. and what we didn't

No crossplay feature

High gap between free and paying players

3.2 out of 5
Editorial vote: 6.5

Genre: strategy, war, managerial

Setting: fantasy, historical

Graphics: animated artworks

PvP: guild or factions matches or duels PvE PvP

Hustle Castle is a free to play idle-management RPG that's 2D in nature, taking place in a fantasy medieval setting. Players must build their castle up by constructing and upgrading rooms, each offering progression purposes like food, gold and army training. Dwellers are how players will progress, as these little settlers can be trained and armed, and then sent out on missions in the PvE campaign to bring back all important loot. The game's simple and addictive idle-sim management gameplay will keep you hooked on either the PC or mobile phones. Expect PvP battles, clan features and a cash shop to quicken progression.

➔ Main points:

  • Free idle-management clicker game that's addictive
  • Lengthy PvE campaign that offers fun progression
  • Very active community to socialize with and create clans
  • Simple graphics and gameplay suitable for younger audiences